
Deploy AI Models as Internal Tools

Easily wrap public or private AI models in frontends, no code required.
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“Toolmaker enables us to design our own AI-driven tools, methodologies, and workspaces, each tailored to meet our specific needs and context.”

Nerea Martín
Strategy & Innovation Consultant at RocaSalvatella
How Toolmaker works?

Create workflows in minutes, not weeks

Create workflows 10x faster, take on more clients, and free up your time to work on more important things.

Built for businesses,
Loved by IT, Procurement & Legal alike

Start small & Grow

Adopt tools into your current workflow and grow as you need more

Private AI Models

Develop custom models based on your business data. Opt-out to those models that you cannot make use of

White Label

Make your teams feel at home with a personalised  experience & branding

Secured Environment

Your data always remains private to you. We don’t use your data to train any AI model that will be accessible by others


Security Perimeter? Don’t fret. Securely allow access to AI tools from your organisation

Cloud & On-Premise

Use Fermat as a SaaS for an immediate adoption or deploy on-premise for total control

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Build AI workflows like you’ve done it before

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